circubuild book
a jury of 4 independant experts measured the circularity of circowalls and approved our products and services ; proud to be in it!
published by palindroom
goe bezig

circowall stud
circowall stud is based on juunoo adjustable metal studs dressed with healthy and eco designed materials aimed for a circular lifecycle.
we are developping new sorts of claddings or paneling that ensure top air quality combined with use of natural resources or reproducable biobased materials
the reversable structure is filled with acoustic insulation based on woodwool, cellulosefibre, hemp, flax and recycled cotton, proteinewool or upcycled unusable garment fibres

circowall mod
hi! i'm the MODular wooden element that tinkles your creativity!
i can be dressed with paneling or accessories. those can fit my body only or cover more of us. i also have an extensible brother and a sweet corner modniece to top it all off. we are the MOD family!
the fun part is you can play with my panels and accessories as you wish, changing according to your comfort and mood swings.

circowall mud
circowall mud is based on the brickette by bc materials, a building stone made of urban mined gravels and clays; the stone is pressed, not baked, and dried; avoiding transport and energy, this stone rocks!
you wanna make your own claystones with your own sands and clays? call in our mobile factory and produce them yourself with our knowledge!
stack the stones or layer the brick with a claymortar; plastering them with a clayfinish doesn't stop the reversability! a tick with a hammer will loosen all